
Raspberry Pi robot will make you coffee

Diposkan oleh Maestro Goberan on Friday, July 5, 2013

Rapiro can do numerous human-like tasks, including making coffee
The robot's control system is the size of a credit card
It has 12 'servo motors,' which increase its capacity for movement

(CNN) -- Rapiro is a humanoid robot that can be programmed to do various tasks — including make you coffee.
The kit was created by a Japanese company as a "catalyst between robotics and Raspberry Pi." The credit-card sized, Linux-based PC known as Raspberry Pi is designed to work with the basic hardwaref Rapiro, allowing you to program it to do many things, such as manage your calendar or tell you the weather, in addition to making the coffee.
Rapiro isn't the first of its kind: BrickPi is a Raspberry Pi-controlled lego robot that was funded through Kickstarter. According to its developers, BrickPi "connects LEGO Mindstorms Sensors, motors, and parts to turn your credit card-size computer into a robot." Unlike Rapiro, it functions more as a toy than a personal assistant.
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Raspberry Pi makes the software easily customizable for users who are familiar with the technology. Rapiro can also be fitted with a camera to give it the ability to gather and store visual data. (Also a feature of Raspberry Pi.) Rapiro also has 12 "servo motors," which help it with mobility.
If you're not Raspberry Pi-savvy or just dabbling in robotics, that's fine too. According to the website, the idea of the project is for a beginner to get into robotics and for an expert to create higher utility through Raspberry Pi.
There is strong interest in this little robot: With over 46 days left in its Kickstarter campaign, it has already crossed its funding goal. Interested backers can get the full kit for a $350 pledge. For more, check out the video above.
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